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Custom Solutions

We recognise that a one-size-fits-all approach is often insufficient for the diverse challenges faced by cultural organisations in today’s rapidly changing world. Therefore, we craft tailored services focussed on impactful outcomes, carefully designed to meet the specific needs of each organisation. With a decade of experience in the sector and an agile team structure, we adapt seamlessly to new challenges by bringing together the right people and expertise to ensure every project is supported by the precise elements needed for success.

In-Country Partnership

For the international travelling exhibition City of Hope: Gandhi, King, and the 1968 Poor People’s Campaign, Meridian International, in collaboration with the U.S. Department of State, sought in-country partners to bring the exhibition to five cities across India over a period of 2 months

Our Work:

Interactive Content Development & Design

The National Gallery of Modern Art (NGMA),  Bengaluru aimed to engage children and their families or teachers in exploring the gallery's sculptures, sparking  curiosity and a deeper understanding of the artworks.

Our Work:

Cultural Event Documentation

The project involved documenting and synthesising discussions to create a comprehensive report from the Museum of Art and Photography’s second annual Inclusion Conference.

Our Work:

Curatorial Content

C. Krishniah Chetty & Sons sought to develop curatorial content for their Crystal Museum, exploring over a century of history, tracing the journey from the store’s origins in the 1800s to its current standing as a heritage jewellery brand.

Our Work:

Curation and Exhibition Design

Shrimad Rajchandra Adhyatmik Sadhana Kendra wanted to develop curatorial content for a new museum dedicated to their late guru, celebrating his life, inspirations, and enduring legacy.

Our Work:

The museum has been crafted with meticulous research, planning, and execution by ReReeti. The passion, hard work, and creative strategy of the team has transformed the museum into an invaluable source of information for the Koba Ashram.

Dr. Rajesh Soni

Cultural Event Management

Supported by the Karnataka Tourism, the project aimed to create a vibrant 4-day festival at the State Archaeological Museum, Bengaluru, celebrating International Museum Day.

Our Work:
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